For the 2022 Season, Players who are born on or after September 1, 2005, and on or before August 31, 2009, are eligible.
Little League District 8 and our four member leagues are excited to announce the new structure for the teenage baseball divisions in 2022 as part of a pilot project approved by Little League International.
Community Stream and Competitive Stream (please see this PDF flyer with more details)
The Community stream will continue to offer local play at the league and/or district level with a spring season planned for May and June, and teenage summer ball teams formed to play in July.
The Competitive stream will see 'AAA' teams formed to play in the new Little League Alberta Triple A Performance League, which will offer provincial play against teams from North Calgary, Edmonton, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and potentially other communities. Half the games are planned to be scheduled at home diamonds plus a longer playing season (28 to 32 games, April to August).
Players in both streams would be eligible for Tournament Play (All-Stars) in the summer months.
All four leagues in District 8 (Calgary West, Rocky Mountain, Fish Creek and Calgary South) will open player registration in January. To play in either program simply register through your local league, and if interested in evaluating for the Competitive stream, simply indicate at the time of registration, there will be an option to do so.
We would like to hear from all players interested in playing on Competitive teams now!
Please go to this link and pre-register:
2022 Registration fees remain very affordable!
- All players pay a base registration fee of $350.00
- Players selected to a Competitive team will pay an additional fee of approximately $500.00 to offset additional expenses related to playing on a travel team and a longer season.
Please refer to this PDF for common Q&A's or contact Glen Lindsay at