Division Descriptions

The league age determination date is the age a player as of August 31 of the current year/season.


CalSouth Little League is divided into several separate divisions or age groups.  Players are placed in the various Divisions (age groups), based upon the current league age determination date.

T-Ball - Ages 4 to 6
In T-Ball young kids are introduced to baseball. The youngsters learn, develop and practice fundamental baseball skills at an early age and receive maximum enjoyment from the experience. Emphasis is placed on participation and enjoying their first baseball experience. T-ball games are typically on a Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule. The registration fee includes a t-shirt, ball cap, team and individual picture, and an award at the end of the season.
For the upcoming season, T-Ball games will be held at the 3 grass diamonds adjacent to Mid-Sun Community Centre in Midnapore.

Rookie Ball (formerly "Coach Pitch") - Ages 6 to 8
In Rookie Ball the players will continue to develop their skills and learn the rules of baseball. Emphasis is placed upon hitting, base running, fielding/throwing and teamwork. Both offensive and defensive fundamentals are stressed.  Rookie games and practices are typically on a Monday/Wednesday/Saturday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday schedule. The registration fee includes a ball cap, team and individual picture, an award at the end of the season. All players receive a team jersey and belt that must be returned to the league at the end of the season.  Players supply their own grey pants.

For the upcoming season, Rookie ball games will be be held at the 3 diamonds behind St. Teresa of Calcutta School in Midnapore.

Minors Division - Ages 9-10
Players are evaluated for the first time in Minors, for the purpose of drafting them onto teams by their coaches. In Minors, pitching to and by the players is introduced to become part of the game. As many players, as possible will be encouraged to pitch. Umpires in this division will allow a fairly liberal strike zone to encourage hitting. The object of the game is to get the ball hit into play as often as possible. Players are encouraged to play all positions throughout the season. This is the first age group where an All-Star structure team can continue with Tournament play after the season ends, if enough players are willing to participate. Typically, Minors have 2 games and 1-2 practices per week. Games and practices can be any day of the week. The registration fee includes a ball cap, team and individual picture, and an award at the end of the season. All players receive a team jersey and belt that must be returned to the league at the end of the season. Players supply their own grey pants.

For the upcoming season, Minors games will be held at the 2 diamonds at MidPark on SunValley Blvd across from Centennial High School and Fish Creek School in Sundance.

Majors Division - Ages 11-12
In Majors, players are again evaluated for the purpose of drafting them onto teams by their coaches. Pitching development continues in this division. Umpires in this Division have a strike zone more in line within the guidelines of the rules of baseball.  Continuous batting orders are mandatory and players are encouraged to play all positions throughout the season. All-Star team(s) can continue with Tournament play after the season ends, if enough players are willing to participate. Typically Majors have 2-3 games and 1-2 practices per week. Games and practices can be played any day of the week. The registration fee includes a ball cap, and team and individual pictures. All players receive a team jersey and belt that must be returned to the league at the end of the season. Players will need to supply their own grey pants.

For the upcoming season, Majors games will be held at the 2 diamonds Duncan McRae in Evergreen and St. Catherine's Diamond.  Some teams will have a schedule that interlocks with other leagues, so some games will be at other locations.

Intermediate/Senior (Teen) Division - Ages 13-16
In Senior, players are again evaluated for the purpose of drafting them onto their teams by their coaches, based on their ability and development. Leading-off is introduced and diamond sizes and rules are in line within the guidelines of the rules of baseball. Again, All-Star team(s) can continue with Tournament play after the season ends, if enough players are willing to participate. Games for the Senior division are played on an inter-locking schedule with other leagues within our District on various diamonds. Typically, Senior teams have 2-3 games and 1-2 practices per week. Games and practices can be played any day of the week. The registration fee includes a ball cap andteam and individual pictures. All players receive a team jersey and belt that must be returned to the league at the end of the season. Players supply their own grey pants.